Install gcloud SDK on AIX
Installing the gcloud sdk on AIX will allow you to download and upload from Google Cloud Storage buckets, as well as controlling other aspects of your google cloud environment. In AIX, it is primarily used for interacting with Storage Buckets and objects.
This Guide is not comprehensive, as covering all AIX versions and types is not possible. Note that it is easiest on AIX 7.3, as it requires python 3.8 or above. This example assumes a system built by downloading the AIX 7.3 TL1 stock image.
First, prepare your filesystems for new content
chfs -a size=+2G /opt
chfs -a size=+500M /tmp
chfs -a size=+500M /var
Next, I recommend you update your system using SUMA. To do this, we’ll clear out /usr/sys/inst.images first
rm -rf /usr/sys/inst.images/*
smitty suma
Select Download Updates Now (Easy)
Select Download All Latest Fixes
Once those have downloaded, update your system using
smitty update_all
For the directory, enter /usr/sys/inst.images
Change ACCEPT new license agreements?
to yes
Once those updates have installed run
dnf update python3 dnf
You should now be ready to install requisite software for the gcloud sdk
dnf install curl coreutils tar git bash python3-pip
Change your path to use the new gnu utilities
export PATH=/opt/freeware/bin:$PATH
Download the gcloud sdk installer and run it
curl | bash
For an installation directory use /opt/freeware/
For Do you want to help improve the Google Cloud CLI (y/N)?
say n
You will now see:
ERROR: (gcloud.components.update) The following components are unknown [gcloud-crc32c].
You can disregard this. You may wish to switch to a non-root user for the remaining steps.
Set your path
export PATH=/opt/freeware/google-cloud-sdk/bin/:$PATH:/opt/freeware/bin
Now you can run the google cloud sdk:
gcloud auth login
Follow the login prompts, pasting in the code to authenticate.
Adjust your crc settings. Using if_fast_else_skip
is faster and uses less CPU, but also does no crc checking.
gcloud config set storage/check_hashes if_fast_else_skip
gcloud config set storage/check_hashes always
You should now be able to list the content of buckets you have access to, and download files.
gcloud storage ls gs://<bucketname>
gcloud storage cp gs://<bucketname>/<filename> /path/to/download/