Working with Data Volumes in the CLI

Volume Types

In IP4G there are two volume types. Those volumes are defined by a name (HDD or SDD) and correspond to the following Characteristics:

US EastSDD and HDD are different hardware types. Performance is dictacted by the corresponding hardware.
All other RegionsSSD and HDD are both IBM Flash Storage, with a QoS limit of 10 iops/GB for SSD, and 3 iops/GB for HDD.

You can see an individual volumes iops limit using

pcloud compute volumes describe <volume name>

Working with additional data volumes

You can create more data volumes to hold application data or support multi-disk use cases with your VMs by using the compute volumes subcommand. The following are examples of using the compute volumes subcommand

To list out existing volumes:

pcloud compute volumes list
VolumeID                              Name                                    Size  StorageType    State      Shareable  Bootable
696226c7-0a97-4917-a220-9bcbe828dab8  mytestvm-7f11d296-000006ac-boot-0       20    standard       in-use     false      true
e2c688bb-962d-413c-ba14-804e9fbb6042  instanceTestN-ef7c9d9d-00000697-boot-0  32    standard       in-use     false      true

To create a new 10 GB SSD volume and display it in the list of volumes:

pcloud compute volumes create my-test-volume -s 10 -t ssd
Volume "my-test-volume" created with ID: 4cd31e0e-eea1-4d3d-8b15-90a272b27bc0

pcloud compute volumes list
VolumeID                              Name                                    Size  StorageType    State      Shareable  Bootable
4cd31e0e-eea1-4d3d-8b15-90a272b27bc0  my-test-volume                          10    ssd            available  false      false
696226c7-0a97-4917-a220-9bcbe828dab8  mytestvm-7f11d296-000006ac-boot-0       20    standard       in-use     false      true
e2c688bb-962d-413c-ba14-804e9fbb6042  instanceTestN-ef7c9d9d-00000697-boot-0  32    standard       in-use     false      true

To show the details of a volume:

# pcloud compute volumes describe test-vm10-4f99e4c5-00000ad1-boot-0
volumeID: bc141301-85a2-461e-8c68-1f0bc67a35c4
name: test-vm10-4f99e4c5-00000ad1-boot-0
cloudID: 7f16fae4f3f54d8bb62f75645db56905
storageType: standard
size: 20
shareable: false
bootable: true
state: in-use
- 4f99e4c5-b8e4-4751-80a8-dd02ccbb00d0
creationDate: "2021-04-22T17:09:44.000Z"
updateDate: "2021-04-22T17:10:06.000Z"

The following example shows how to attach the new volume to an existing VM. In the following example, the new my-test-volume is now attached the VM.

pcloud compute instances attach-volume mytestvm -v my-test-volume
"rcb-test-volume" Volume being attached to "mytestvm" VM Instance (complete attach is not immediate)