Authentication in the CLI

Before you can start using the pcloud tool, you must have an available Power Cloud instance that is provisioned and attached to a selected GCP project within your organization. This process occurs when you subscribe to the offering in the GCP Marketplace. Next, run the pcloud auth login command to authenticate to your cloud instance. When you authenticate, you must use the registered Google identity that is associated with the organization and the billing account that is used in the subscription. Running the pcloud auth login command provides you with a unique code to register your pcloud instance. In the following example, XXXX-YYYY represents the unique code.

pcloud auth login
To authorize pcloud you will need to complete following steps (within 30 minutes):
  1. Navigate to:
  2. Enter the code: XXXX-YYYY
  3. Select your Google ID that was registered with IBM Power Systems for Google Cloud

Once these steps have been completed the login command will complete within 5 seconds

When you go to, you must enter the code in the dialog box. Next, a popup is displayed and you select the appropriate identity. After you complete this process, pcloud is now enabled to operate against the Power Systems Cloud instance that is associated with your Google identity. To verify that pcloud is enabled, run the pcloud config list, pcloud compute clouds list, and pcloud compute clouds describe commands. The following example displays the correct sequence of running these commands.

# pcloud config list
accountID: test
cloudID: 7f16fae4f3f54d8bb62f75645db56905
cloudName: test-us-east4
region: us-east4

# pcloud compute clouds list
CloudID                           Name              Region       Current
7f16fae4f3f54d8bb62f75645db56905  test-us-east4     us-east4     true
7f8e1c3032484fa390d7e87d329afdb1  test-us-central1  us-central1  false

# pcloud compute clouds describe test-us-east4
cloudID: 7f16fae4f3f54d8bb62f75645db56905
name: test-us-east4
accountID: test
ibmCustomerNumber: "1234"
region: us-east4
storageTypes: ssd, standard
defaultStorageType: standard
  memory: 152
  cores: 21.5
  storage: 3.378
  instances: 7
  memory: 640
  cores: 70
  storage: 50
  instances: 40
  peeringNetworks: 1
  peeringBandwidth: 1000
  memory: 400
  cores: 15