API Error Handling

IBM Power for Google Cloud API Error Handling

This API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method completed successfully. A 200 response indicates success. A 400 type response indicates a failure, and a 500 type response indicates an internal system error.

HTTP error codeDescriptionRecovery
200SuccessThe request was successful.
400Bad RequestThe input parameters in the request body are either incomplete or in the wrong format. Be sure to include all required parameters in your request.
401UnauthorizedYou are not authorized to make this request. Log in to IBM Cloud and try again. If this error persists, contact the account owner to check your permissions.
403ForbiddenThe supplied authentication is not authorized to access this resource.
404Not FoundThe requested resource could not be found.
408Request TimeoutThe connection to the server timed out. Wait a few minutes, then try again.
409ConflictThe entity is already in the requested state.
500Internal Server ErrorPower Systems Virtual Server is currently unavailable. Your request could not be processed. Wait a few minutes and try again.